Lexcellence LLC was founded in 2007 and its core activity is the provision of regulatory consulting services. Our primary field of expertise is EU legislation governing the internal energy market and EU competition law. Our staff consists of legal experts and economists, specialised in EU law and energy management. This is also determining for our services: we apply a complex approach reflecting both legal and economic considerations, creating particularly high added value for our clients. We provide professional help to the preparations of advocacy activities pursued by companies actively cooperating with the legislator, i.e. we help to define and follow regulatory objectives that can be realised and that are compatible with the imperatives of public interest. Our regulatory consulting services relating to EU law or the integration process and their implications on national legislations include

  • the identification of the exact content and meaning of EU law requirements governing the relevant regulatory field/issue/economic sector, together with the anticipation of its coming modifications;
  • identification of the limits of discretion left to the national legislator;
  • examination and analysis of relevant case-law of the European Court of Justice which often has a decisive importance on the prospects for the adoption of the regulatory solution preferred by our client;
  • survey and analysis of experiences gained in other EU Member States applying different regulatory solutions for the questions at issue.

We also have started providing analyses preparing the assertion of rights emanating from EU law but not respected by national legislators. Although we cannot pursue activities reserved for lawyers, we can provide a useful input also in such cases, in cooperation with a partner law firm.

On the other hand, Lexcellence Ltd. does not provide advocacy services, it has not pursued activities that had fallen under the scope of the former Hungarian law on lobbying (in force before 2011), and it has never undertaken any assignments from public/State authorities. Our regulatory consulting services are focusing on the professional preparatory works, and the most important features differentiating us from our competitors are our outstanding knowledge and experiences in relevant EU law fields, our ability to consider legal and economic aspects simultaneously, and our people understanding several Western-European languages. Our vision is to help our clients to become the beneficiaries of the EU integration process, by furnishing exclusive services with an outstanding added value.


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